Student and Family Resources
Whether you are a single parent, grandparent raising a grandchild, blended family, or just a mother and father looking for help, there are plenty of resources out there for you.
Parent-Taught Driver's Education
Local/Hunt County area assistance programs and hotlines:
My Guardian Angel-Divorce & Loss 214-887-0069
Lakes Regional Mental Health Center 972-524-4159 or 800-443-1831
ADAPT Community Solutions 1-868-260-8000
Texas Department of Housing 800-792-1119
Texas Scottish Rite Hospital214-559-5000
Adult and Child Protective Services 800-252-5400
Alzheimer’s Association 800-272-3900
American Cancer Society 800-ACS-2345
American Red Cross 903-455-7932
Area Agency on Aging of North Central Texas 800-272-3921
Arise Home Health 855-42-ARISE (27473)
Arms of Hope - Boles Campus 903-224-4900
Formerly Boles Children’s Home
Behavioral Health Services @ Hunt Regional 903-408-1500
Inpatient mental health services for adults & geriatrics
Boys & Girls Club of NE Texas 903-455-9233
CASA for Hunt County 903-450-4410
Celebrate Recovery 903-456-8523
Celebrate The Children, Inc. 903-886-8365
Day camps for special needs children
Children’s Center ECI 903-454-0300 x1600
Community SEEDS (food, clothing, emerg. rent/ 903-634-5673
utility assist., housing, garden, lifestyle classes)
Community Services, Inc. 903-455-0341
4000 Wesley, Unit 1, Greenville, TX 75401
Division for Rehabilitation Services 903-457-8150
Helping disabled retain/return to work
DrugFree Greenville 903-454-4300
Educational Opportunity Center 903-457-8706
First Service Alcohol & Drug Education Program 903-450-3951
Glen Oaks Hospital 800-443-1109
Mental health & chemical dependency
Greenville Community Health Center 903-455-5958
CHSA Dental 903-454-6965
Women’s Center of Greenville 903-455-5010
Greenville Housing Authority 903-455-1771
Greenville Police Department 903-457-2900
Habitat for Humanity - Greenville 903-454-7470
Hands of Compassion 903-461-8636 or 903-453-4252
Health Services of North Texas 903-450-4018
Heritage Program for Seniors 903-886-2238
Mental health group counseling for senior adults
Hope Center of Greenville 903-217-5346
Life-skills training, computer classes
Hunt Co. Health Dept. Environmental Services 903-408-4140
Hunt County Children’s Advocacy Center 903-454-9999
Hunt County Head Start 903-457-2680
Hunt Co. Health Dept Medical Services 903-455-4433
Hunt County Juvenile Probation Services 903-455-8555
Hunt County Shared Ministries (FISH) 903-455-0545
Hunt County Sheriff’s Offi ce 903-453-6800
Hunt County Veterans Services 903-454-2552
Hunt Regional Healthcare, Melvin Ray 903-453-6100
Advance directives, Ethics consultation & Mediation
Hunt Regional Medical Center 903-408-5000
Keep Greenville Beautiful 903-455-1986
Lakes Regional Mental Health 903-455-3987
Lakes Regional MR Services 903-455-5770 x1511
Legal Aid of Northwest Texas 800-906-3045
Lions International Sight & Tissue Foundation 972-276-1250
North Texas Youth Connection 903-454-7277
Free crisis counseling for youth 0 - 17 & their family
On Angels’ Wings Respite Care Ministry 903-455-2650
For parents with special needs children - Westview UMC
Parkland Community Health Plan 888-814-2352
(Medicaid & CHIP HMO)
Pharmaceutical Assistance 903-408-1976
Prevention Resource Center 888-PRCTEXX
Region 3 (free info on alcohol, tobacco & drugs)
Providence of Texas 903-455-9090 or 800-297-7986
Child & adolescent case mgmt. & counseling
Raffa Clinic 903-454-9711
FREE - Pregnancy Test - Sonograms - Parenting Classes
Reading & Radio Resource - Audio Books/Radio 800-871-7668
Helping visual, physical, learning disabled & ESL
Senior Center Resources and Public Transit 903-454-1444
Social Security Administration 903-455-1673
Starlite Recovery 800-292-0148
Substance Abuse Treatment for Adults & Adolescents
Texas AgriLIFE Extension - Hunt County 903-455-9885
Texas Dept. of Health & Human Services 903-455-0833
TEXAS HEALTH STEPS - Children’s Medicaid 1-877-847-8377
The Connection Public-Transit 903-454-1444
The Salvation Army 903-455-1875
Thrift Store 903-450-1016
United Way of Hunt County 903-455-7414
Visiting Angels 877-784-3902
Non-Medical Senior Living Assistance
Vitas Innovative Hospice 903-455-0251
W. Walworth Harrison Public Library 903-457-2992
WIC - Women Infants & Children 903-454-4888
Women In Need - Residential (shelter) and Non-Residential
Services to victims of domestic violence
Office 903-455-4612
Hotline (7-24) 903-454-HELP (4357)
Workforce Solutions for North Central Texas 903-454-9350
YMCA of Greenville & Hunt County 903-455-5405
Abuse Hotline 800-252-5400
Alcohol & Drug Abuse 800-246-4673
National Youth Crisis Hotline 800-448-4663
Terrell Police Department 972-551-6622
Runaway Hotline 800-392-3352
Information to help you and your student cope with various stressors and issues:
Parent-taught Driver's Education:
Approved online driver's education courses for parent-taught:
A recent study found that over half (study estimated 70%) of Americans are effectively financially illiterate. Which probably isn’t surprising given the fact that many young people are never taught basic financial concepts. For example, only about 20 states require a personal finance class for high school students. So, in an effort to be a part of the solution, we have uploaded a series of guides designed for students and parents that give practical advice on developing and building upon healthy financial habits throughout one's life as well as a comprehensive handbook on credit.